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Temperature Gauges

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Brinda Industries is a manufacturer of "LA" brand Temperature Gauges since 1994. Brinda produces temperature gauge with all measuring principles (contact type): Bi-Metal Temperature Gauges, Liquied Expansion Temperature Gauge , Gas Expansion Temperature Gauges.

     BRINDA make Bi-Metal Temperature Gauges available from -50 °C to 500 °C, also available with vertical mount, horizontal mount and all angle design, with 1% accuracy to 2% accuracy, .

     Brinda Industries produce Liquied/Gas Expansion Thermometer available from temperature range: -5 °C to 650 °C, with horizontal, vertical mount with/without extension capillary with 1% accuracy to 2% accuracy, Liquied Fillied Temperature Gauges available with electric contacts for on and off control and alarm porpose.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Bi Color Type Magnetic Level Indicator, Bi Metal Temperature Gauge, Bi Metallic Temperature Gauge, Dial Thermometers, Diaphragm Sealed Pressure Gauges, Digital Pressure Gauge, Digital Pressure Gauge Controller, Digital Pressure Gauges, Dual Pointer Pressure Gauge, Economical Pressure Gauge, Gauge Accessories, Gauge Saver, Homogenizer Gauge Hsd, Hydraulic Pressure Gauge, Low Pressure Gauge, Mrp Pressure Gauge, Mud Gauge Ssd, Oil Pressure Gauge, Pressure Gauges, Products, Schaffer Diaphragm Gauge, Sglyserine Filled Pressure Gauge, Syphon, Temperature Gauges, Temperature Sensors